
I'm Sudhanshu

A Computer Engineering Student.

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Student Developer

Google Summer of Code

June 2021 to August 2021

Working on creating data clean up dataflow operations which users can use out of the box. Using this the data cleanup operations can now be performed using the dataflow architecture.

Will be adding Sklearn metrics and spacy scorer methods for getting accuracy of the model. Users will have a choice on what type of accuracy they should use for their models.

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Featured Projects


Social Networking App

Single handedly created a Social Media Platform for sharing memes with the world. Add traditional ways of interacting with the posts, such as share feature, like feature and comment feature. Added features such as user authentication, forgotten password retrieval, night mode, auto scrolling for feeds.

JavaXMLFirebaseAndroid Studio

Automated Data Entry

Automated the work of converting data from text documents such as images into pdf, excel, csv format files. Used traditional image processing techniques to clean the image. and them applied East classifier to classify the text present in the images and accurately get the information present in the images. Used spacy and natural language processing techniques to further fine tune the data from the text files. Utilized Python, Pytesseract, East classifier model for extracting the text data with an accuracy of 88%.

PythonPytesseractMachine Learningopencv2spacynlp

IMessage Chat App

IMessage Chat App Created a chat App similar to I-message on Iphones. Added features such as Google authentication, Realtime chats and Chat groups. Used Technologies such as React for frontend, Redux for state management, Firestore for realtime database.


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